Information about Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) which should be included in registration dossier for registration in Russia:
Copy of Document containing the following information about Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) or few API’s, used for manufacturing of Finished Drug Product:
- Name, structure, common properties.
- Name and adress of manufacturer.
- Manufacturing Technology with description of manufacturing steps and methods of control for all manufacturing steps.
- Description of development of manufacturing process.
- Description of contorol of critical steps of manufacturing and intermediates.
- Process validation.
- Properties and structure of active ingredients.
- Impurity characterization.
- Specification and justification of specification.
- Analitycal procedures.
- Validation of analytical procedures.
- Batch analysis.
- List of Standards and reagents used for quality control.
- Description of characteristics and properties of packaging materials.
- Stability data of API.
- Shelf-life.